Ashley Danyew/Tonal & Rhythm Pattern Cards: Younger Elementary

  • $20

Tonal & Rhythm Pattern Cards: Younger Elementary

Printable tonal + rhythm pattern cards for music teachers (152 cards total)

Do you remember when you learned how to read?

You probably learned by listening to others read to you and following along, imitating and copying them, and sounding out words for yourself.

It's the same with learning how to read music.

We start by listening and interacting with it, imitating and copying what we hear, and exploring sounds and tonal and rhythm patterns ourselves. These tonal and rhythm patterns are like words in language. This how we build and develop a strong musical vocabulary.

Help your younger elementary children learn the language of music.

Designed for younger elementary-age children (K-2nd grade)

Inside, you'll find two sets of printable tonal pattern cards

  • C major and D minor

  • Tonic, dominant, and subdominant chord tones

  • Quarter notes and half notes

  • 44 cards each

And two sets of printable rhythm pattern cards:

  • Quadruple and triple meters

  • Quarter notes, eighth notes, half notes, and quarter rests

  • 32 cards each

152 cards total

Here's how it works:


Download the files to your computer.


Print on white card stock and cut into quarters.


Play and enjoy!

  • $20

Tonal & Rhythm Pattern Cards: Younger Elementary

Printable tonal + rhythm pattern cards for music teachers (152 cards total)

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